Germany and the United Kingdom are the largest consumers of aluminum aerosol cans in Europe, each accounting for 25% of the total consumption. France follows with a 20% share. In the late 1980s, aerosol products gained popularity in China, and the production of aluminum cans experienced significant development. More than ten high-speed extrusion production lines for aluminum aerosol cans, which were at the advanced level of the late 1980s, were introduced in locations such as Zhongshan and Shantou in Guangdong, Shanghai, Yangzhou, and Nanjing. These products were not only widely sold domestically but also exported to regions like Hong Kong and Japan. However, compared to other industrialized countries, the per capita consumption of aerosol products in China remains relatively low, amounting to only a fraction of that in developed countries, indicating enormous market potential.

China's Potential in Aluminum Aerosol Cans

According to statistics, 20% of domestic aerosol cans use aluminum materials. In 2005, the consumption of aluminum aerosol can materials (aluminum ingots) exceeded 40,000 tons. Previously, this material could not be produced domestically, and it had to be imported from countries such as Germany and Canada, which constrained the production of aluminum cans in China. Therefore, Fuzhou University organized efforts to develop and research the production of aluminum ingots, a high-tech product. In June 1991, they successfully developed the technology to produce aluminum ingots at an international advanced level, achieving localization. The domestically produced aluminum ingots were quickly put into production, ending the dependence on imported aluminum ingots and enabling further cost reduction, resource conservation, and weight reduction through wall thickness reduction. They conducted more systematic and in-depth research, successfully developing a new generation of high-performance aluminum ingots.

ISHIN Technology is a professional metal can and equipment manufacturer in China, providing turnkey engineering services to global buyers. They welcome buyers from around the world.